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This file documents version 13 of the Ettcl version of the Tcl interpreter. Ettcl is based on Tcl-7.6.

Node:Introduction, Next:, Previous:Top, Up:Top


The Ettcl project was born in 1998 as the core of EtLinux, a small distribution that includes the Linux kernel and a minimal set of tools, meant to run on a 386 with 2MB of memory. Everything in EtLinux is written in Tcl, on order to save memory by aggressively exploiting memory sharing across processes.

The Tcl interpreter, therefore, has been extended with process-control primitives in order for init to be able to spawn processes and reap zombies. Moreover, the interpreter has been removed by trimming most of the features that were not going to be used, especially those that needed a non-negligible amount of memory. Moreover, floating point support has been completely removed, so we could run a system without either a hardware FPU or the software emulator. Trimming the FPU emulator from the kernel saved us 40kB of memory, a huge amount when you have 2MB to host the whole runtime.

Node:Portability, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Introduction


While the EtLinux project was born on the i386 platform and Ettcl needs a CPU with memory management, we have always been careful to keep cross-platform portability. Ettcl has been used on several platforms: Alpha, Sparc, Sparc64, PowerPc, MIPS, Arm. On the i386 platform you can compile it to work with libc5 or libc6, by selecting CC in your environment before compiling.

The interpreter is less than 250kB (525kB if statically linked with libc) when compiled against libc6, and less than 220kB (470kB if statically linked) when compiled against libc5.

Node:Compilation, Previous:Portability, Up:Introduction


The package is compiled in the usual way:

./configure && make

The following option can be passed to configure. Only differences against the pristine Tcl-7.6 tree are documented; use "./configure --help" to get a complete list of options.

Node:Features removed from Tcl-7.6, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Top

Features removed from Tcl-7.6

The following features have been removed from Tcl-7.6, or made optional and disabled by default:

Node:Features added to Tcl-7.6, Next:, Previous:Features removed from Tcl-7.6, Up:Top

Features added to Tcl-7.6

Development of ettcl added several commands to the interpreter. Some of them are system calls or other low-level utilities, some other are simple substitutes for system commands (like ps and cat). The former group is implemented in C, the latter group as procedures within init.tcl.

Node:New commands, Next:, Previous:Features added to Tcl-7.6, Up:Features added to Tcl-7.6

new commands

The following new commands have been added to the Tcl language. They are grouped by functionality rather than alphabetically: this sections describes basic multiprocess system calls, then other useful system calls, pseudo-tty management, file management, network management, and finally generic utilities.


Implements the fork system call. It returns 0 to the child, a positive PID to the parent and -1 in case of error.

sys_wait <pid>
sys_wait nohang

Implements the wait and waitpid system calls. Without arguments, the command waits until a child exits. With a numeric argument, it waits until that specific child exits. With a nohang argument it calls waitpid(-1, &result, WNOHANG). The return value is a list of two elements, the return value of wait (i.e., the PID of the child), and the exit status of the child process. "sys_wait nohang" returns an error of "No child process" if the current process has no children, and an error of EAGAIN (i.e., "Try again" or "Resource temporarily unavailable") if no child is ready to be collected.


% if ![sys_fork] {exit 34} else {puts [sys_wait]}
=> 25958 34
% sys_wait nohang
=> sys_wait: No child processes

sys_exec <command> [<args> ...]

Implements the execvp system call (i.e., it passes the argv vector unchanged and searches the system path). This usually makes only sense after sys_fork, in the child process.


% if ![sys_fork] {sys_exec true} else {puts [sys_wait]}
=> 25978 0
% if ![sys_fork] {sys_exec false} else {puts [sys_wait]}
=>25979 1
%  if ![sys_fork] {sys_exec grep . /etc/issue} else \
         {puts [sys_wait]}
=>Debian GNU/\s 2.2 \n \l
=> 25980 0
% if ![sys_fork] {sys_exec grep . /dev/null} else \
         {puts [sys_wait]}
=> 25981 1

sys_pipe [<varname> <varname>]

Implements the pipe system call. The newly created file channels are either returned as a Tcl list or saved in the variables provided on the command line.

This example shows the minimal use of a pipe:

% sys_pipe a b
% if ![sys_fork] { puts $b pio; exit }
% close $b
% while {[gets $a s]>=0} { puts $s }
=> pio
% sys_wait
=> 27324 0

sys_dup <oldfile> <newfile>

Implements the dup2 system call. The new file must be opened (so there is already the internal Tcl structure for it) and must be in the same mode as the original file (i.e., opened for reading, for writing, or both). This is used when creating pipes and attaching them to, for example, stdin and stdout.


sys_pipe in out
if ![sys_fork] {
    sys_dup $out stdout; close $in; close $out
    sys_exec cat /etc/issue
close $out
while {[gets $in string]>0} {
    puts "Read: $string"
close $in

sys_kill [-<signal>] <pid> [<pid> ...]

Implements the kill system call. If the first argument is prefixed with a dash, it is interpreted as a signal number or signal name (uppercase without leading SIG, e.g. -USR1); by default the signal being sent is SIGTERM. All remaining arguments are used as process identifiers or group identifiers (if negative). Note that currently it isn't possible to sent SIGTERM to a process group by only specifying the process group (as the negative argument will be parsed as a signal number.

sys_nice <value>

Implements the nice system call. The argument must be an integer number. Lower priority is specified by negative numbers ("dash-10" like it was an option). Higher priority is specified with a positive number (no dash), and is only available for the superuser (there are no checks in Ettcl, it's the nice system call that will complain).


Implements the trivial sync system call.

sys_signal <signame> IGNORE
sys_signal <signame> DEFAULT
sys_signal <signame> <tcl-script>

The command is a frontend to sigaction or signal. A signal can be ignored or restored to default behavior, or handled by a Tcl script. The signal name is specified in uppercase and with no leading SIG, or as a decimal number. If a script is provided, it will be run at global scope as an asynchronous event. During execution of the script the variable tcl_signal is set to the name of the signal being handled (or the number if there is no mapping to the name). Ettcl currently can handle the following signals by name, other signals can still be specified by number: HUP, INT, ILL, KILL, SEGV, SEGV, USR1, USR2, CHLD, IO, and WINCH.

The preferred wait to handle SIGCHLD loops on "sys_wait nohang" until the call fails, to account for the case of a lost signal - when multiple children die before the first is reaped. For example:

sys_signal CHLD {while 1 {sys_wait nohang}}

sys_reboot reboot
sys_reboot halt

Reboots or halts the system, and is only available to the init process (i.e., if the PID of this process is not 1, the command is not executed). This is used within EtLinux.

sys_ttypair [<varname> <varname>]

Tries to open a master and a slave tty's. It is used in telnetd (see Telnetd and Telnetc) to open a controlling terminal for new inbound connections. The new Tcl channels are returned either as values of the two specified variables, or in a list of two elements as return value of the command. Note that you need superuser privileges to open a pair of terminals.


Tries to elect the stdin channel for the process as the controlling tty for the process. It is used in telnetd (see Telnetd and Telnetc) to associate a controlling terminal to the child process.

sys_chmod <mode> <file> [<file> ...]

Implements the chmod system calls. The mode is accepted as a number (prefix with a 0 to get octal notation). For compatibility with earlier versions of Ettcl, it is possible to call "sys_chmod file mode".

sys_umask <value>

Implements the umask system call. Use a leading 0 to specify an octal number.

sys_mknod <type> <pathname> <mode> [<major> <minor>]

Implements the mknod system call. The type argument can be one of S_IFREG (regular file), S_IFCHR or c or u (char device), S_IFBLK or b (block device), S_IFIFO or p (fifo, or named pipe). The pathname is the new node to create, mode is the file permission modes for the new file (use a leading 0 to specify an octal number), and major and minor are used when creating device nodes.

ifconfig <interface>
ifconfig <interface> addr <addr>
ifconfig <interface> netmask <netmask>
ifconfig <interface> broadcast <broadcast>
ifconfig <interface> pointopoint <pointopoint>

Permits basic interface configuration functionality. In EtLinux it is used to bring up networking at boot time. When called with a single argument, the command returns the current configuration for the interface. When called with one of the listed extra arguments, it configures the interface.

route add <addr> netmask <mask> dev <dev>
route add default gw <gw> dev <dev>

Permits basic routing configuration. Note that route deletion is not implemented. If you need such functionalities at runtime you'll need to have a real-world route command in your system. Please note that adding a route for the network directly connected to the device is not needed any more with kernel 2.2. If you boot 2.2 or later kernels, therefore, you'll typically only need to add a default to your system, after the network card has been configured. With 2.0, on the other hand, the LAN route must be added explicitly.

udp open [-o <option>[,<option>...]] <port> [<remoteIP>:<port>]
udp open [-o <option>[,<option>...]] client [<remoteIP>:<port>]
udp close <sock>
udp sendto <sock> [<remoteIP>:<port>] <msg>
udp recvfrom <sock> <fromvar>
udp join <sock> <multicastIP>
udp setmonitor <sock>

The udp command implements UDP networking. Due to limitations int Tcl-7.6, data being transmitted may only be text.

The open subcommands opens a new Tcl channel, and returns its identifier string. Allowed options are reuseaddr and broadcast; refer to the setsockopt manual page for details on their meaning. If the port argument is the literal string client, then the local port is randomized in the interval from 60000 to 62000. The optional remoteIP:port argument specifies the default destination for packets sent through this socket.

The close subcommand closes the socket and frees any allocated memory associated to that socket.

The sendto subcommand is used to send an UDP frame. The destination of the frame (remoteIP:port), if missing, is taken from the default specified in udp open.

The recvfrom subcommand waits for an UDP frame, and returns its contents as return value of the command. The remoteIP:port information for the sender is stored in the fromvar variable, specified by the caller.

The join subcommand associates the socket to a specified multicast address. This allows to receive multicast packets.

The setmonitor subcommand elects the specified socket as source for monitor information. If a monitor is specified, any outgoing UDP frame is first transmitted through the monitor address. The elected socket must feature a default destination, specified at udp open time. Using the monitor feature, and by setting a multicast address as destination address, you can easily monitor all UDP communication happening between cooperating applications by means of an external process that associate itself to the multicast group (actually, by using multicast, you can have monitor information collected independently in several places of the network).

xtime [-milli|-micro]
xtime -format <fmt> [<time_t>]
xtime -http [<time_t>]
xtime -diff <time>
xtime -timeto <time>
xtime -wait <tvar> <step>
xtime -split <array> [<time_t>]
xtime -join <array>

The xtime command replaces and expands the clock Tcl command. All floating-point values (fractions of seconds: milliseconds or microseconds) are handled using integer arithmetic, so everything can run on processors that lack an FPU (like a 386 or 386SX, but this is not limited to the i386 architecture).

The basic xtime command returns the number of seconds from the epoch. This is the standard time_t value used in all Unix systems to report the current time. If -milli or -micro is specified, a fractional part is added to the number.


% xtime
=> 1006574784
% xtime -milli
=> 1006574786.829
% xtime -micro
=> 1006574789.629305

The -format option specifies a format to report a time_t according to strftime(3) (see the man page for strftime for details). The time being printed is either the current time or the one specified on the command line.

The -http option requests a time representation confirming to the HTTP protocol. This can't be accomplished using -format because HTTP requires the time to be reported in the GMT time zone, while xtime -format uses the local time zone. The command is used in the httpd implementation (see Httpd).

Specifying -diff makes xtime return the difference between the specified time and the current time (thus, negative values means the specified time has already passed). The -timeto option, on the other hand, returns the number of milliseconds before the specified time is reached; -timeto is designed to return a value suitable for the Tcl after command, thus 0 is returned for time events in the past (instead of returning a negative number that would make after spit an error if the value isn't checked by the application).


% set t1 [xtime -micro]
=> 1006575363.669081
% xtime -diff $t1
=> -6.405620
%  set t2 [xtime]
=> 1006575469
% incr t2 60
=> 1006575529
% xtime -diff $t2
=> 43
% xtime -timeto $t2
=> 37371
% after [xtime -timeto $t2]
% puts "$t2 [xtime]"
=> 1006575529 1006575533

The -wait options reads the tvar variable as a time value; adds tstep and saves the resulting value in the same tvar variable. It then waits until that time instant is reached and returns. The command is designed to allow execution iterations of a task with a sharp time interval from each loop to the next.

puts [set t [xtime].000000]
=> 1006581978.000000
for {set i 0} {$i<4} {incr i} {
    xtime -wait t 1.500000
    puts "$t [xtime -micro]"
    # possibly do other tasks...
=> 1006581979.500000 1006581979.500020
=> 1006581981.000000 1006581980.999996
=> 1006581982.500000 1006581982.500029
=> 1006581984.000000 1006581984.000003

If the time to be waited for has already elapsed, the command returns immediately. In any case, the return value is the number of events that has elapsed; this is normally 1, but can be greater if the command is invoked much later than expected (for example, due to high system load). For example, if you want to execute a task once per second but sometimes you have a delay if more than one second across invocations of the command, you'll get 2 or more as return value. In case of delay, if you need to execute the task several times in a row to get the same number of events each day (as opposed to simply loosing events), you can use the following code:

set t [xtime]
while 1 {
    for {set i 0} {$i<[xtime -wait t $interval]} {incr i} {
        # do stuff

If, on the other hand, you'd better loose events, use:

set t [xtime]
while 1 {
    xtime -wait t $interval
    # do stuff

The -split and -join commands are used to extract human-readable items from a time_t value and to do the inverse operation. Splitting uses the current time or the one specified on the command line, and sets a Tcl array as result, similarly to the file stat command included in standard Tcl. The target array is made up of the following elements: sec, min, hour, mday (day of the month), mon, year, wday (day of the week), yday (day of the year) and isdst (whether or not daylight saving is in effect). For the actual meaning of the elements please refer to the manual page for the localtime C function. Joining is the inverse operation, and the resulting time_t value is returned. Not all elements must be set, and the rules of mktime apply. No error is returned when required elements of the array are undefined.

mount /proc

The command implements a minimal version of mount, usable to handle a single-partition system. When called without arguments, mount remounts the root filesystem in read-write mode. When called with a single argument, it mounts the proc filesystem in the /proc directory. Even though the argument is not currently parsed, it's suggested to use /proc as argument when mounting proc, to be forward compatible with possible later enhancements.

Note that in order to remount the root filesystem, the command needs to know what device is used as root filesystem. Therefore, mount reads /etc/fstab, and expects the first three words in the file to be the block device used as root filesystem, the / directory, and the type of filesystem. Leading comment lines in /etc/fstab are not currently ignored.


The umount command, trivially un-mounts /proc and /. Errors are not checked.

uuencode <file>

uuencode can be used to transfer files from an embedded system to a computer connected to the serial console. Sometimes the serial console is the only communication means you have with your computer, so ettclsh has been enhanced to be able to send and receive files.


The command decodes a file received from standard input, reading it until the end line is found. This allows to upload files to a system running a serial console with ettclsh.

fcopy <infile> <outfile> [once]

The command copies a Tcl channel to another Tcl channel. For example, this is used to serve http pages in the Ettcl web server (see Httpd). If the once flag is specified, the input file is read-from only once, and only that data is pushed to the output file; this is used when Ettcl manages a pseudo-tty, to copy binary data from across the master and the slave. If not once flag is there, the input file is read up to end-of-file.

newcmdname <name>

This command saves name in /var/run, in a file associated to the PID of the current process. This is how ps (see Procedures defined in init.tcl) can tell several ettcl processes apart.

inp <port>
inw <port>
outp <port> <byte-value>
outw <port> <word-value>

The commands read and write 8-bit and 16-bit I/O ports. Arguments are generic integers, so you must use a 0x prefix for hex numbers. The commands use ioperm on the i386 platform, and use /dev/port on other platforms. The return value of the input commands is an hex number, output commands return no value. No endian conversion is performed.

readb <addr>
readw <addr>
readl <addr>
writeb <addr> <byte-value>
writew <addr> <word-value>
writel <addr> <long-value>

The commands read and write 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit values from/to main memory. They use /dev/mem to access system memory, and can be used to access I/O memory if needed. Arguments and return values are the same as for I/O port commands, described above, and no endian conversion is performed.

Node:Procedures defined in init.tcl, Previous:New commands, Up:Features added to Tcl-7.6

Procedures defined in init.tcl

The following commands are defined within init.tcl. They are various utilities and replacements for system commands. They are used mainly in the EtLinux system. Some of the commands are not defined as procedures if a real external command exists. For example, you can just use ls to use the real ls command if available; this is different from internal commands, that are always defined (thus, you need to type exec ifconfig to access the external ifconfig command, if any, as ifconfig always refers to the internal commands.

If you want to run ettclsh without installing the package, please remember to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and TCL_LIBRARY in your environment; the latter must be the directory where init.tcl is found.

which <cmd>

The command returns the full pathname of cmd, if found in one of default directories for command search. If no such command is found, an error is issued. Note that currently which doesn't use $env(PATH).

unknown <args>

The unknown procedure by default uses which to see if an external command is available with the same name as the unknown command. If any exists, it is run.

bgerror <error>

The command spits the error message to stderr, prefixed with the PID of the process raising the error.

default_opt <name> <value>

If not already set, the command sets the item name in the global array options to value. If the item is already set, it is not changed. This command is used by the various sample daemons.

cat <file> [<file> ...]

Reads all of its arguments and prints their content to stdout. Files are assumed to be text files. The command is not defined if a real cat command is installed.


Reports the amount of free memory, by returning the first two lines of /proc/meminfo. The command is not defined if a real free command is installed.

grep <expr> <file> [<file> ...]

Runs a minimal version of grep, using the regexp Tcl command. If doesn't accept any option and doesn't use stdin if no files are specified (use /dev/stdin if you need to grep from stdin). The command is not defined if a real grep command is installed.

ls <file> [<file> ...]

ls implements a small replacement for ls -l. Note that if a file is a directory, the directory itself is listed instead of its contents (this is the behavior selected by the -d option to the standard ls command). The command is not defined if a real ls command is installed.


These three commands are simply wrappers to the subcommands of the Tcl file command (file copy, file rename, file delete). Each of them is only defined if no external command with the same name exists.


Implements a simple replacement for the ps command. For each process, it uses the information in /var/run (if any) to tell the command name. Such information is stored by newcmdname, and is used to differentiate between several ettclsh processes that perform different tasks.


The commands are used by the Init process (see Init); they send init a SIGUSR1 to halt the system or a SIGUSR2 to reboot the system. Actual shutdown is handled by init.

cat-f <file>
tail-f <file>

These two commands run a separate process that reads the specified file and prints its contents to stdout whenever it is readable. They are quick hacks to read /proc/kmsg and similar FIFO-like data channels; there is no support to follow a regular file by monitoring size changes. The tail-f command reads from a few hundred bytes before the current file end (using seek), while the cat-f commands reads from the beginning of the file. The child process terminates when EOF is reached.

interact <file> <prompt>
interact_oneline <ID> <prompt> <input> <output> <error>

The interact procedure forks a child process and uses sys_dup to attach the file to stdin stdout and stderr. It then calls sets interact_oneline as fileevent handler for stdin. You can set interact_oneline as fileevent handler for your own file, specifying an identifier, which prompt string to use, and the files to use for input, output and errors. The identifier is used as array element of the global interact array, to build Tcl commands from several lines.

This mechanism is used by the console interaction script included in init (see Init).

getAllowedHosts <service> [<file>]

The command returns a list of hosts (IP numbers or glob expressions) allowed to use the service service. This is used in httpd (see Httpd), telnetd (see Telnetd and Telnetc) and cmdd see Cmdd). The configuration file being used is /etc/hosts.allow, by default, but the caller can specify a different configuration file. The return value is a Tcl list of glob expressions for IP numbers.

isAllowedHost <ip> <list>

This command matches an IP address against a list, usually returned by getAllowedHosts, described above. It returns a boolean value. If the list of allowed hosts for a service is empty, 1 is returned. Otherwise, the procedure returns 1 or 0 according to whether there is a match for the IP in the list.


Script to reconfigure the network parameters. It is run on the console by S90interact to allow the user of a precompiled filesystem image to set up an EtLinux system for his/her network. It's self documenting.

Node:Applications, Next:, Previous:Features added to Tcl-7.6, Up:Top


The subdirectory Applications includes a few sample applications, that are used in EtLinux.

Node:Init, Next:, Previous:Applications, Up:Applications


The init application is the code of EtLinux. It's designed to run as process 1 of an embedded system, and it reads the various configuration files to know how the system is set up.

Node:Boot Time, Next:, Previous:Init, Up:Init

Boot time

When run, /sbin/init first reads /etc/init.d/options; the file sets elements of the options array, to configure system operation. It can also set the default command search path by setting env(PATH), and invoke other Tcl commands. Please remember that evaluating this file is the first thing init does when it starts.

These options are used to select init behavior during system boot. They are listed in the same order as they are used.

This boolean option chooses whether the root filesystem is checked at boot time, using either /sbin/fsck.minix or, if available, /sbin/fsck. The device hosting the root filesystem is assumed to be the first word in /etc/fstab

If your system runs with NFS root, or if you don't ship an fsck program, you should set options(fsck.root) to zero.

This boolean options states whether the root filesystem must be remounted in read-write mode. This option must be set to zero if you use NFS root, if you mount read-write at boot time (in that case you can't set options(fsck.root) either, or if you want to run with a read-only root filesystem (in that case you'll need to set up at least /tmp and /var/run as separate partitions.

Note that support for running with a read-only root filesystem is not complete, as init calls the Tcl exec command a few times before mounting all filesystems, and the exec command creates files in /tmp. You'll need to change init to support a read-only root filesystem.

This boolean option states whether the proc filesystem must be mounted under /proc. It's usually set to 1, and you'll need to change a lot of applications if you choose not to mount /proc.
This boolean option selects whether or not to run "/sbin/swapon -a". To set it, you need to have the swapon executable installed and at least one entry for swap space in /etc/fstab
If this boolean option is set to 1, then init will execute "fsck -R -A -V -a". You'll need an executable called fsck in your command search path, and a valid /etc/fstab.
This option is, once again, boolean. It selects whether or not all local filesystems must be mounted. If set, you'll need to have external mount and umount commands. Init will invoke "mount -a -t nonfs" after umounting /proc. If you need to mount NFS volumes, you can do that later using a script in /etc/init.d/scripts.
This option, if set, specifies the three watermarks used for memory management: three value that will be written to /proc/sys/vm/freepages. Please note that recent 2.4 kernels do not have that file any more and use a different mechanism for setting memory limits. Since hosts running 2.4 are typically not memory constrained, no memory control is offered for 2.4. If the option is not set, the init process won't do anything.
The boolean option controls whether or not init will try to remove all files in /var/run and /tmp. If it does, it will recreate /var/run/wtmp, to login programs won't complain (if installed).
The option, if set, must be a list of module names, that will be passed to /sbin/insmod, one at a time. To load modules you'll need a version of insmod that is compatible with the kernel you are running.

After processing the options described, he init program also reads all files in the directory /etc/init.d/options.d so system applications can set their options without modifying the main file. Note that all files in the directory are source as Tcl scripts, so you can actually do more than setting options, if you need that. The files are read in alphanumeric order.

The next step in booting is running all scripts found in /etc/init.d/scripts. The name of each script must start with "S" followed by a two-digit number. These scripts are run once only. Typical tasks for these scripts are setting up the network, or mounting NFS filesystems.

Then, init sources all scripts in /etc/init.d/respawn, restarting each of them as soon as it terminates. The name of each script must start with "S" followed by a two-digit number. These scripts are usually terminal login (or the shell running on the serial console).

Finally, any regular file found in /etc/applications is run as a separate process. These processes are not restarted when they terminate, so if your application may terminate as part of normal operation, you should either place it in /etc/init.d/respawn or arrange for restarting in the Tcl file.

Please note that everything that is started by init (i.e., all scripts in scripts, in respawn, and in applications) are Tcl scripts. They are read as Tcl commands using the source command, even though the process that reads the file is not init but a child process. If one of your applications is an executable file, you should write a short wrapper script like this one:

sys_exec /your/path/to/application

Please don't use "exec" in this case, to avoid running two processes where one will do. Any file in scripts and respawn whose name doesn't match "S*" will not be read. Any subdirectory of applications is ignored, so you can use for example a directory called warehouse as a repository of applications that you want to keep around but don't want to automatically run.

Node:Shutdown Time, Previous:Boot Time, Up:Init

Shutdown time

During system runtime init waits for pending signals. Whenever SIGCHLD is received, a process is reaped; if the process just died is to be respawned, init respawns it

If SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 are received, init halts or reboots the system (resp.); all processes are sent the TERM signal and after a while the KILL signal; filesystems are unmounted (first calling "umount -a", then using the internal umount command, so all cases are covered); and then the system is halted or rebooted. In order to halt or reboot the system from an interactive ettclsh session you can invoke the halt or reboot procedures, that simply send a signal to init. If you have no console access to see shutdown messages, you can count on shutdown to take 5 seconds.

Node:Httpd, Next:, Previous:Init, Up:Applications


The httpd program included in ettcl is compliant with version 1.0 of the HTTP protocol; even though version 1.1 of the protocol is widely used, version 1.1 requires compatibility with version 1.0, so this httpd works with all recent browsers (but it might not work with very old browsers, as it doesn't accept queries that are not HTTP-1.0 compliant).

Node:Httpd Configuration, Next:, Previous:Httpd, Up:Httpd

Httpd Configuration

The server is configured by setting items in the options array. These items can be set in Tcl before the server is executed, and if they are not set the default is provided by httpd itself.

The distribution includes httpd-run, a script that sets configuration variables and then runs httpd. As an alternative, you can fill /etc/httpd.cfg, as described in Httpd Configuration Files.

These are the configuration variables, and their defaults:


If the variable is set, then its contents are used as a configuration file name. The file is executed using the source command. If it is not set, nothing happens.


The TCP port where the server runs. If unset, it defaults to 80.

The name of this service, used for host access control. If unset, it defaults to "httpd".

The name of the configuration file for host access control. If unset, the former variable default to the value of the latter, which in turn defaults to /etc/hosts.allow". You can thus elect a system-wide default hostsfile, or one for this process alone.


The document root, where HTML pages are looked for. If unset, it defaults to /html.


The name of the log file. The variable defaults to /var/log/ettcl.log. The log messages being written includes the application name, so different servers can share the same log file. All write operations are atomic (done with a single write system call).


The format for timestamp strings; the timestamp string is used as a leading string for every line written in the log file. The default for the format string is $options(logfmt), which in turn defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". In an EtLinux system you might want to set options(logfmt) from within /etc/init.d/options, so all servers will use the same format.


This variable is set to "text/html". Whenever a file is served by the web server, it's extension is used to address an item http:type:extension in the options array. You might set the types from a standard mime.types:

if ![catch {set F [open /etc/mime.types]}] {
    while {[gets $F str]>=0} {
        if [regexp "^ *#" $str] continue
        if [catch {set type [lindex $str 0]}] continue
        for {set n 1} \$n<[llength $str] {incr n} {
            set options(httpd:type:.[lindex $str $n]) $type
    close $F


The server can report HTTP errors of type 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found), and 501 (not implemented). When the error is reported, if the associated variable is set, its value is opened as a file name that is returned to the client, after the standard error message. This allows customization of error reporting.

Node:Httpd Features, Previous:Httpd Configuration, Up:Httpd

Httpd Features

The server supports up to two configuration files (to set array elements in the options array or run arbitrary Tcl commands), host access control based on IP address, GET and POST methods (using the CGI standard to talk with external applications), error reporting with user-provided error notification files, Mime types associated to file names.

Node:Httpd Configuration Files, Next:, Previous:Httpd Features, Up:Httpd Features

Httpd Configuration Files

Whe the server starts up, it reads the configuration file /etc/httpd.cfg, if it exists. It then reads the file $options(httpd:cfg) if the variable is set.

If you want to run several web servers on several TCP ports, you can avoid using /etc/httpd.cfg and use a per-process configuration file by setting the httpd:cfg item in options to a different value for each process.

Each configuration file, then, can set a different value for the TCP port number and for the service name (to differentiate host access control while using the default hostsfile), or change the name of the hostsfile, as well as other server features.

Node:Httpd Host Access, Next:, Previous:Httpd Configuration Files, Up:Httpd Features

Httpd Host Access

The httpd process reads /etc/hosts.allow (or whatever hostsfile defined by options(httpd:hostsfile) by calling the procedure getAllowedHosts using httpd as a key (or whatever application name defined by options(httpd:name)). The configuration file specifies which hosts are allowed to access the various Ettcl services.

Empty lines and lines that begin with a hash mark are ignored, other lines are formatted like "service: host", where host is a glob expression for an IP address. If a given service doesn't appear in the file, then all hosts are allowed. If the service appears in the file at least once, then only IP addresses that match the glob expression are allowed. For example, the following lines allow access from localhost, a C class and a single host. Note that you can also place several glob expressions on the same lines, separated by space characters.

	httpd: 127.*
        httpd: 192.168.1.*

To allow no hosts at all, use "httpd: none" or any other expression that doesn't match any IP address. To allow any host, use httpd: *, or no httpd line at all.

If you want to use the same access rules for all Ettcl services, you can define options(httpd:name) and all other service names to the same value (e.g., "any"), in order to use the same set of host glob expression for all services.

Node:GET and POST Methods, Next:, Previous:Httpd Host Access, Up:Httpd Features

GET and POST Methods

The server accepts GET and POST methods. Any query including either of "..", "&", "?", "*", "(", ")", "$", ";", "#", "|" is refused with an error of 403 Forbidden. See Httpd Error Reporting.

Any query that starts with cgi-bin, with or without a leading slash is considered a CGI request. See CGI Interface.

If the file being requested doesn't exist, and error of 404 Not found is reported. See Httpd Error Reporting.

Note that this version of the server doesn't handle hex-encoded characters in file names (for example, "%7E" isn't converted to "~"). It allows them in CGI parameters, though.

Node:CGI Interface, Next:, Previous:GET and POST Methods, Up:Httpd Features

CGI Interface

If the filename requested by either a GET or a POST query begins with cgi-bin, either with or without a leading slash, everything in the file name up-to and excluding the first question mark is considered an application name (the application is searched in the filesystem in the cgi-bin directory under the document root selected for the process).

If the application is written in ettclsh, then the internal sys_fork and sys_dup commands are used to attach to the application. Otherwise, the application is executed using the exec Tcl command.

When the application is executed by the GET method, it will find QUERY_STRING set in the environment. Moreover, if the CGI application is not a Tcl script, all arguments are set as environment variables, and the current date in http format is recorded as DATE in the environment. The example sh CGI applications use this information.

When the application is called via POST, it will find CONTENT_LENGTH set in the environment and will be able to read data from stdin. Note that you may need to remove trailing newlines from query data.

The stdout of the application is directly connected to the network socket, with no intervention from the httpd server.

Several CGI examples are provided in the source package, with a cgidemo.html html page that links to all of them.

Note that you can use the etget application (part of the httpd source dir) to time GET and POST requests. These are some timings I get with a 386 running Linux-2.2.18 and libc5 in 4MB of memory:

morgana% etget pico 80 '/cgi-bin/glob?FILE=%2Fvar%2Frun&GLOB='
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
morgana% etget pico 80 '/cgi-bin/ls?FILE=%2Fvar%2Frun&GLOB='
HTTP/1.0 200 OK

This is the same example run with 1MB less RAM:

morgana% etget pico 80 '/cgi-bin/ls?FILE=%2Fvar%2Frun&GLOB='
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
morgana% etget pico 80 '/cgi-bin/glob?FILE=%2Fvar%2Frun&GLOB='
HTTP/1.0 200 OK

To run POST queries in etget, specify the POST data as fourth argument.

Node:Httpd Error Reporting, Next:, Previous:CGI Interface, Up:Httpd Features

Httpd Error Reporting

The httpd application reports errors according to HTTP/1.0. According to the setting of configuration variables, an html file can be returned to the network connection, so you can choose to return a custom error page instead of the plain error message. The custom error page can even include a form (for example, to make the user report the error).

The daemon reports three errors:

Node:Httpd Logs, Previous:Httpd Error Reporting, Up:Httpd Features

Httpd Logs

The applications writes log information to the log file, opened in append mode. Each even being logged is written by issuing a single write system call, to prevent problems when several processes write to the same log file.

The following events are logged, each of them is timestamped according to options(httpd:logfmt):

Node:Cmdd, Next:, Previous:Httpd, Up:Applications

Cmdd and Cmdc

The cmdd application is a non-forking daemon for executing Ettcl commands. It runs on both TCP and UDP sockets. To connect to the TCP port you can use telnet, to connect to the UDP port you must use cmdc, which requires ettclsh on the client host.

cmdd is designed to allow interactive access to small computers, that would suffer from running a real forking telnetd.

Warning: Please note that with cmdd you have unlimited access to the server system. The program is meant to be used only for debugging and administration. Please be very careful about host access configuration to cmdd. Also, please note that each client can change the options array and thus redirect log files and to other hairy stuff, possibly unwillingly.

Node:Cmdd Configuration, Next:, Previous:Cmdd, Up:Cmdd

Cmdd Configuration

The server is configured by setting items in the options array. These items can be set in Tcl before the server is executed, and if they are not set the default is provided by cmdd itself.

These are the configuration variables, and their defaults:


If the variable is set, then its contents are used as a configuration file name. The file is executed using the source command. If it is not set, nothing happens.


The TCP and UDP ports where the server runs. If unset, it defaults to 2300 (reminiscent of telnet, that runs on port 23).

The name of this service, used for host access control. If unset, it defaults to "cmdd".

Whether or not the server should listen to the TCP port. The variable defaults to 1 and can be set to 0 to prevent the TCP socket to be opened.


Whether or not the server should listen to the UDP port. The variable defaults to 1 and can be set to 0 to prevent the UDP socket to be opened.


The timeout value, in seconds, before an UDP connection is considered inactive. It defaults to 60. Please note that cmdc explicitly closes the connection on exit, so you can tell logout events from timeout events. The timeout mainly exists in order to release memory associated to inactive client connections.


The name of the configuration file for host access control. If unset, the former variable default to the value of the latter, which in turn defaults to /etc/hosts.allow". You can thus elect a system-wide default hostsfile, or one for this process alone.


The name of the log file. The variable defaults to /var/log/ettcl.log. The log messages being written includes the application name, so different servers can share the same log file. All write operations are atomic (done with a single write system call).


The format for timestamp strings; the timestamp string is used as a leading string for every line written in the log file. The default for the format string is $options(logfmt), which in turn defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". In an EtLinux system you might want to set options(logfmt) from within /etc/init.d/options, so all servers will use the same format.

Node:Cmdd Features, Next:, Previous:Cmdd Configuration, Up:Cmdd

Cmdd Features

The server supports up to two configuration files (to set array elements in the options array or run arbitrary Tcl commands), host access control based on IP address, TCP and UDP operation.

Node:Cmdd Configuration Files, Next:, Previous:Cmdd Features, Up:Cmdd Features

Cmdd Configuration Files

Whe the server starts up, it reads the configuration file /etc/cmdd.cfg, if it exists. It then reads the file $options(cmdd:cfg) if the variable is set.

If you might want to run several cmdd servers on several TCP/UDP ports, although it isn't as interesting as it is with HTTP. To run several servers, please refer to Httpd Configuration Files.

Node:Cmdd Host Access, Next:, Previous:Cmdd Configuration Files, Up:Cmdd Features

Cmdd Host Access

The cmdd process reads /etc/hosts.allow (or whatever hostsfile defined by options(cmdd:hostsfile) by calling the procedure getAllowedHosts using cmdd as a key (or whatever application name defined by options(cmdd:name)). The configuration file specifies which hosts are allowed to access the various Ettcl services.

For detailed syntax and example use, please refer to Httpd Host Access.

Node:The TCP Server, Next:, Previous:Cmdd Host Access, Up:Cmdd Features

The TCP Server

The TCP server listens to a TCP socket and reads input line by line. When the concatenation of all pending lines build to a complete Tcl command, the server executes the command at global scope. Input data received from different client sockets is never mixed, so you can get multiplexing operation even if the server doesn't fork child servers for each active connection.

Please note that if the command takes time to execute, the server won't be able to server other client in the meanwhile. If you want to run such kind of tasks you need to run telnetd.

To connect to the TCP cmdd server, you need to use the standard telnet client, like this:

rudo% telnet morgana 2300
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
% puts pio
% set options(cmdd:port)
% exit
Connection closed by foreign host.

The exit command, as shown, terminates the TCP connection. It doesn't, however, terminate the server process. Note that it is possible to terminate the server in some other way (by killing it, for example). It's worth repeating that cmdd is designed to be used only as a debugging and administration tool for small EtLinux computers (those too small to run a forking telnetd).

Please note that with cmdd, communication is line-oriented. Therefore you can't run a full-screen editor or anything like that in your interactive session. To that aim, please use telnetd (see Telnetd Features).

Node:The UDP Server, Next:, Previous:The TCP Server, Up:Cmdd Features

The UDP Server

The UDP server listens to an UDP socket. Input is expected to be received line-by-line and if the packets have a trailing dot it is removed. The trailing dot is added by cmdc in order to preserve the trailing newline, tha would otherwise be stripped by the implementation of the udp Tcl command (that is text-oriented).

When the concatenation of all pending lines build to a complete Tcl command, the server executes the command at global scope. Input data received from different client sockets is never mixed, so you can get multiplexing operation for different UDP clients, as well as multiplexing TCP and UDP clients.

Please note that if the command takes time to execute, the server won't be able to server other client in the meanwhile. If you want to run such kind of tasks you need to run telnetd.

To connect to the UDP cmdd server, you need to use cmdc or an equivalent program.

The exit command, if sent by an UDP client, terminates the UDP connection (i.e., it makes the server release memory associated to this client and record a logout event to the log file. If a client doesn't log out, a timeout event is marked after the timeout period elapsed.

The same caveat about security as for TCP (see above) applies. Again, cmdd, communication is line-oriented. Therefore you can't run a full-screen editor with it.

Node:Cmdd Logs, Previous:The UDP Server, Up:Cmdd Features

Cmdd Logs

The cmdd application records the following events to system logs:

Node:Cmdc, Previous:Cmdd Features, Up:Cmdd


The cmdc program is the UDP client for cmdd. It is used much like the normal telnet application but it send UDP packets for each input line (with a trailing dot added, as explained in The UDP Server).

At startup, the program sends an empty packet in order to mark a login event and get back a prompt. When it reads EOF from stdin, it sends an exit\n line to the server. When an empty packet is received the program terminates. If the empty packet is the first reply, it reports a message of "Connection refused by remote host".

If no prompt is shown at program startup, then the server did not reply or the reply was lost. Please remember that this simple UDP communication is only reliable on a non-saturated LAN.

rudo% cmdc morgana 2300
% puts pio
% set options(cmdd:udp)
% exit

Node:Telnetd and Telnetc, Next:, Previous:Cmdd, Up:Applications

Telnetd and Telnetc

The telnetd application is a daemon that execute Ettcl commands running a subprocess per TCP connection. Such subprocess is run ina virtual terminal, so you can call vi or other full-screen programs from the shell. The server must be run by the superuser (otherwise, it wouldn't be able to open a tty pair), and you should use telnetc as a client. The daemon listens to port 230 by default.

Warning: Please note that with telnetd you have unlimited access to the server system. The program is meant to be used only for debugging and administration. Please be very careful about host access configuration to telnetd. However, unlike cmdd, the client can't change the options array because each shell runs in a different process.

Node:Telnetd Configuration, Next:, Previous:Telnetd and Telnetc, Up:Telnetd and Telnetc

Telnetd Configuration

The server is configured by setting items in the options array. These items can be set in Tcl before the server is executed, and if they are not set the default is provided by telnetd itself.

These are the configuration variables, and their defaults:


If the variable is set, then its contents are used as a configuration file name. The file is executed using the source command. If it is not set, nothing happens.


The TCP port where the server runs. If unset, it defaults to 230 (reminiscent of telnet, that runs on port 23).

The name of this service, used for host access control. If unset, it defaults to "telnetd".

The name of the configuration file for host access control. If unset, the former variable default to the value of the latter, which in turn defaults to /etc/hosts.allow". You can thus elect a system-wide default hostsfile, or one for this process alone.


The name of the log file. The variable defaults to /var/log/ettcl.log. The log messages being written includes the application name, so different servers can share the same log file. All write operations are atomic (done with a single write system call).


The format for timestamp strings; the timestamp string is used as a leading string for every line written in the log file. The default for the format string is $options(logfmt), which in turn defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". In an EtLinux system you might want to set options(logfmt) from within /etc/init.d/options, so all servers will use the same format.

Node:Telnetd Features, Next:, Previous:Telnetd Configuration, Up:Telnetd and Telnetc

Telnetd Features

The server supports up to two configuration files (to set array elements in the options array or run arbitrary Tcl commands), host access control based on IP address, TCP and UDP operation.

Node:Telnetd Configuration Files, Next:, Previous:Telnetd Features, Up:Telnetd Features

Telnetd Configuration Files

Whe the server starts up, it reads the configuration file /etc/telnetd.cfg, if it exists. It then reads the file $options(telnetd:cfg) if the variable is set.

Unlike httpd and cmdd, you would never need to run several servers at once, since each client gets its own process anyways.

Node:Telnetd Host Access, Next:, Previous:Telnetd Configuration Files, Up:Telnetd Features

Telnetd Host Access

The telnetd process reads /etc/hosts.allow (or whatever hostsfile defined by options(telnetd:hostsfile) by calling the procedure getAllowedHosts using telnetd as a key (or whatever application name defined by options(telnetd:name)). The configuration file specifies which hosts are allowed to access the various Ettcl services.

For detailed syntax and example use, please refer to Httpd Host Access.

Node:The Telnet Server, Next:, Previous:Telnetd Host Access, Up:Telnetd Features

The Telnet Server

The TCP server listens to a TCP socket. When a new connection is received, after host access control the daemon opens tty pair and forks a child. The child gets its standard files connected to the slave tty, and forks an interactive shell.

The parent process continues to monitor the master tty and the network socket, copying data from the pty to the network and vice versa as needed.

To connect to the telnetd server, you need to use the telnetc client, like this:

telnetc pico 230
accept TCP: sock5 3111
% free
        total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:   1695744  1540096   155648   176128     8192   126976
% ps
  User  PPid  Pid St Size   RSS  Name
    0     0     1 S  1048   104 init
    0     1     2 S     0     0 kflushd
    0     1     3 S     0     0 kupdate
    0     1     4 S     0     0 kpiod
    0     1     5 S     0     0 kswapd
    0     1     6 S     0     0 rpciod
    0     1    19 S   808    56 inetd
    0     1    20 S  1048   104 console-interaction
    0     1    22 S  1076   148 cmdd
    0     1    23 S  1072   144 httpd
    0     1    24 R  1076   196 telnetd
    0    22    39 S   816    56 cat
    0    24    41 R  1064   140 -sh(
% exit

The exit command terminates the child process, that is reaped by the parent.

Node:Telnetd Logs, Previous:The Telnet Server, Up:Telnetd Features

Telnetd Logs

The telnetd application records the following events to system logs:

Node:Telnetc, Previous:Telnetd Features, Up:Telnetd and Telnetc


The telnetc program is the client for telnetd. It is written in standard Tcl, so you don't need to have Ettcl installed on the client computer. It behaves like a normal telnet application, reading standard input in raw form and disabling character echo.

The program need to run the external stty command, to change tty modes on its own terminal.

Node:Crond, Previous:Telnetd and Telnetc, Up:Applications


The crond program is an implementation of the usual cron Unix facility. It awakes every minute and runs any pending command according to a single crontab file. If the crontab is modified, you'll need to restart the application.

Node:Crond Configuration, Next:, Previous:Crond, Up:Crond

Crond Configuration

The server is configured by setting items in the options array. These items can be set in Tcl before the server is executed, and if they are not set the default is provided by crond itself.

These are the configuration variables, and their defaults:


If the variable is set, then its contents are used as a configuration file name. The file is executed using the source command. If it is not set, nothing happens.


The crontab being used. It defaults to /etc/crontab.

This boolean variable states whether or not crond will ask the current time again before going to sleep. If you are changing the system date and time by more than a few seconds after boot you'll need this, otherwise, crond will either sleep for a long time (if you move the date backwards) or will loop (if you move the date forward). If you don't change the date after starting the application, or you only fine-tune it to an external reference, then you can save cycles by setting the variable to 0.

The name of the log file. The variable defaults to /var/log/ettcl.log. The log messages being written includes the application name, so different servers can share the same log file. All write operations are atomic (done with a single write system call).


The format for timestamp strings; the timestamp string is used as a leading string for every line written in the log file. The default for the format string is $options(logfmt), which in turn defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". In an EtLinux system you might want to set options(logfmt) from within /etc/init.d/options, so all servers will use the same format.

Node:Crond Features, Previous:Crond Configuration, Up:Crond

Crond Features

The application reads a standard crontab file.

Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark are ignored. Lines that look like variable assignment are used to set environment variables; the variable name must be made up of uppercase letters and the underscore character), spaces and tabs around the = character are ignored, and the rest of the line is used as value. Please note that trailing spaces in the line are not trimmed.

Other lines in crontab are parsed like the real cron does. But whereas the Unix cron application passes the command to an external shell, this crond evaluates the command using the Tcl uplevel command. Each command is evaluated in a child process.

Node:Concept Index, Next:, Previous:Applications, Up:Top

Concept Index

Node:Command Index, Previous:Concept Index, Up:Top

Command Index

Table of Contents