Debugging production: the LIAR method
Published inThe release of DTrace in 2005 marked a turning point in the world of UNIX systems when it comes to production analysis, and more in general it greatly helped the process of understanding what’s going on under the covers by means of dynamic tracing.
Various systems inspired by DTrace have been developed throughout the years, including SystemTap and bpftrace. Although these systems differ in several important aspects, they all allow to ask questions about a running system by following a similar workflow. The List, Instrument, Aggregate, and Report (LIAR) acronym can be used to describe such workflow. The rest of this article will illustrate the methodology using bpftrace, taking as an example the problem of identifying which programs are sending data over TCP sockets, and how much data they are sending.
Without specific knowledge about Linux kernel internals, we can try and List all available probe points that have 'tcp' and 'send' in their name:
$ sudo bpftrace -l '*tcp*send*' tracepoint:tcp:tcp_send_reset kprobe:__traceiter_tcp_send_reset kprobe:tcp_send_mss kprobe:do_tcp_sendpages kprobe:tcp_sendpage_locked kprobe:tcp_sendpage kprobe:tcp_sendmsg_locked kprobe:tcp_sendmsg [...]
The function tcp_sendmsg seems interesting, and indeed it is the one responsible for gathering up data to be written to a TCP socket. Its signature is:
int tcp_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
The 'size' argument is what we are interested in, and we are going to print it together with the PID next.
At the Instrument step, we need to write a simple bpftrace program that prints a line every time the tcp_sendmsg function is called. Given that 'size' is the third argument of tcp_sendmsg, and that bpftrace allows to print function arguments using the arg0, …, argN keywords, we are going to access it by using 'arg2'. We are going to print the builtin 'pid' variable too.
$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:tcp_sendmsg { printf("pid=%d: size=%d\n", pid, arg2) }' Attaching 1 probe... pid=764374: size=36 pid=764374: size=36 pid=633506: size=43 pid=633506: size=566 pid=633506: size=600 pid=633506: size=58 pid=633506: size=819 ^C
The output looks reasonable, we can now work on aggregating the 'size' data to get further insights on the TCP sending behavior of this system.
The Map Functions provided by bpftrace allow to Aggregate data in various useful ways. For example, the stats(): function returns the count, average, and total for a given value.
Let’s use it:
$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:tcp_sendmsg { @bytes[pid] = stats(arg2); print(@bytes); }' Attaching 1 probe... @bytes[770234]: count 1, average 77, total 77 @bytes[770234]: count 1, average 77, total 77 @bytes[770237]: count 1, average 77, total 77
We have defined a BPF map called 'bytes', used the PID as the key, and aggregated the 'size' argument using stats(). Every time tcp_sendmsg is called, we print the values obtained so far.
As the final step, we need to Report our findings. Instead of printing the values every time tcp_sendmsg is called, it would be nicer to do that only once at program termination. Just like DTrace, bpftrace defaults to automatically printing aggregation results when the program exits. This is to say that, in bpftrace terminology, all populated maps are printed automatically.
The full program is thus simply:
$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:tcp_sendmsg { @bytes[pid] = stats(arg2); }' Attaching 1 probe... ^C @bytes[769042]: count 1, average 75, total 75 @bytes[769047]: count 1, average 75, total 75 @bytes[769052]: count 1, average 75, total 75 @bytes[769057]: count 1, average 75, total 75 @bytes[633506]: count 13, average 378, total 4915
All values of the 'bytes' map are printed by default when the user issues a CTRL-C. If we want to instead make the program exit after 10 seconds, we can use the 'interval' probe as follows:
$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:tcp_sendmsg { @bytes[pid] = stats(arg2); } interval:s:10 { exit(); }'
This article introduced the LIAR method of production debugging, a workflow in four steps that can be followed using DTrace-like systems to inspect various aspects of running production systems. See the original DTrace paper, and the bpftrace reference guide for more!