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This file documents version 0.20 of the Pxdrv device driver and its support programs (February 2001 ).

Node:Introduction, Next:, Previous:Top, Up:Top


This text introduces to the features of the PX500/510/610 device driver for Linux. Not every feature of the device is supported: feel free to ask for features if you need them: I'll feel more inclined to write code if someone is going to use it.

In this document, the term PX500 is used to refer to all devices in the family (unless otherwise specified). The terms PX510 and PX610 are used to refer to features that are not available in earlier models. Refer to the ImageNation manual to get information about hardware features.

The driver currently works with version 2.0 and 2.2 of the Linux kernel. Note that in order for DMA to work, you need to change your Lilo configuration, as described in The DMA Buffer.

As of version 0.20 of the driver, progressive scan cameras are supported, as well as using WEN as an input to synchronize the frame grabber (The WEN signal is used by some resettable cameras to signal the beginning of a new video field. See Special Cameras.

Node:General Information, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Top

General Information abut the driver

As usual in the Unix environment, you need device special files in order to access a device driver of any kind. This section enumerates the entry points used to communicate with the driver.

The following devices are used for the first grabber (device number 0). They are automatically created by px_load. See Compiling and Loading.

A binary device, returning a continuous stream of 320x240 (NTSC) or 384x288 (PAL) raw images. On open it allocates a DMA buffer to fit the image.
The pmg device associated to the previous one. It returns a single PGM image of size 320x240 or 384x288.
A control device. Opening it doesn't allocate the DMA buffer. Reading is not allowed, but you can still use ioctl() on this device.
The hi-res binary node: it returns a continuous stream of 640x480 (NTSC) or 768x576 (PAL) images in raw format.
The pgm node. Returns a single 640x480 or 768x576 pgm image.

Whenever the device is active in low-resolution, opening an high-resolution entry point return -EBUSY. The same happens if the device is working in high resolution and you open a low-resolution entry point. The control node can always be opened because it isn't involved with data acquisition.

Note that if you open a device and then change its resolution via ioctl, further open calls on the device won't be prohibited; the device will instead remain configured as selected via ioctl. See Ioctl.

Node:Compiling and Loading, Next:, Previous:General Information, Up:Top

Compiling, Loading, Unloading

To compile the driver run "make". If the source of the kernel you are using is not in /usr/src/linux, you can specify its location as KERNELDIR, either in the environment or at the command line of make. For example I currently use "make KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.2".

Alternatively, you can specify INCLUDEDIR in the same way. I used INCLUDEDIR in older releases of this drivers as well as other drivers. Now I prefer to use KERNELDIR instead. INCLUDEDIR, if not specified by the user, defaults to $(KERNELDIR)/include .

To load the driver, run ./px_load, Edit the script to configure permission bits and owners of the devices being created. Any argument that you pass at the px_load command line are passed to insmod. This allows load-time configuration of internal variables.

To unload the driver, run ./px_unload. It also removes the /dev entry points.

Node:The DMA Buffer, Next:, Previous:Compiling and Loading, Up:Top

Allocating a DMA Buffer

One of the most compelling problems with any DMA-capable device is the allocation of a suitable memory buffer. In pxdrv I chose to use a module of mine, called "allocator". The allocator is able to use high memory (above the one used in normal operation) for DMA allocation. In order to use it, however, there must be some real RAM memory at the end of the memory used by the Linux kernel.

To prevent the kernel for using high memory, so that it remains available for DMA, you should pass a command line argument to the kernel. Command line arguments can be passed to Lilo, to Grub or to whichever loader you are using (unless it's very poor in design). For Lilo, either use "append=" in /etc/lilo.conf or add command line arguments to the interactive prompt. For example, I have a 64MB box and reserve two megs for DMA by telling the kernel mem=62M. Actually, the px500 uses half a meg at most, but I have another driver that acquires RGB images and needs 1.5 megs.

In lilo.conf:

image = /zImage
label = linux
append = "mem=62M"

Or, interactively:

LILO: linux mem=62M

Please note that the mem= argument must be lowercase or the kernel won't use it.

Node:Reading and Writing, Next:, Previous:The DMA Buffer, Up:Top

Reading and Writing

The devices return image data when read. For example, you can use "cat /dev/px0H | split -b <size>" to create a burst of raw graphic files in your disk (the size value depends on whether you use NTSC (size == 307200) or PAL (size == 442368). To see the current image, you can issue "xv - < /dev/px0pgm" or any equivalent command.

There is currently no way to control grabbing in time, like grabbing one frame every 200ms or so. This will be implemented in a future release of the driver.

Devices can't be written to, currently. Maybe I'll arrange for PGM devices to receive text strings to configure their behavior (regions of interest and so on), and the same will apply to the control node. If I won't conceive more interesting write semantics for binary nodes, they will behave in the same way.

Node:Ioctl, Next:, Previous:Reading and Writing, Up:Top


The ioctl() function is supported by the device, to see and/or change what is happening in the internals. A few of the ioctl commands are very low level, and I'd suggest using them only if you know how the device works internally.

Node:Low-Level Commands, Next:, Previous:Ioctl, Up:Ioctl

Low-Level Commands

Some of these commands can only be issued by the super-user, independent of the file permission of the /dev entry point accessed. This is a security measure necessary to protect hardware from potentially bad actions. The super-user can damage anything anyways, so allowing these commands does not harm.

If you are just a device user, feel free to skip to the next section.

This command resets the device to the default state. Note that if the "persist" flag is set, the reset is not complete. See Device Flags. The command is restricted to the super-user.
PX_IOCHARDRESET (no third argument needed)
This command is mainly a debugging aid: it resets the device and drops the module's usage count to one (therefore, on the next close it will drop to 0 and you'll be able to unload the module even if an Oops happened. The command is restricted to the super-user.
PX_IOCGDEV (third argument needed)
This command returns the whole device structure to user space, using the third argument as a Px_Dev * item. The command is mainly useful for debugging and is not restricted to the super-user.
PX_IOCSREG (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGREG (third argument needed)
These commands are used to read or write a 32-bit PCI register. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to a Px_Register structure. The reg field identifies the register to be acted upon, the val field is the value being read or written. If the register number is out of the allowed range, -EINVAL is returned. Only the superuser can write device registers.
PX_IOCCMD (third argument needed)
This command issues a command to the grabber's microcontroller. The commands are defined in px500.h and are often used internally by the driver. The argument of this ioctl command is a pointer to a Px_Register structure and is used like in PX_IOCSREG and PX_IOCGREG above. For output commands, the structure defines the command number and its argument; for input commands the structure defines the command number on entry and the result is filled by the driver. Some of the commands are restricted to the super user and some are not. Refer to px_command_list in the driver for details.
PX_IOCSPORT (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGPORT (third argument needed)
These commands read or write a "port" in the driver. The allowed "port" numbers are in the range from PX_PORT_MIN to PX_PORT_MAX inclusive (otherwise, -EINVAL is returned). The third ioctl argument is a pointer to a Px_Register structure and is used just like in PX_IOCSREG and PX_IOCGETREG adove. Only the superuser can write ports.

Node:Higher-Level Commands, Previous:Low-Level Commands, Up:Ioctl

Higher-Level Commands

Use of these commands doesn't require intimate knowledge of the frame grabber device, and the commands are meant for use by actual application code.

PX_IOCSLUT (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGLUT (third argument needed)
These commands are used to assign and retrieve the gray-level look-up table of the device. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to struct PX_Lut, defined in px500.h. A sample applications using these commands is pxlut. See pxlut.
PX_IOCSGAIN (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGGAIN (third argument needed)
These commands are used to assign and retrieve the image gain. The gain is made up of two numbers: a "gross gain" (ranging from 0 to 3) and a "fine gain" ranging from 0 to 255. The third argument of ioctl is a pointer to struct Px_Gain, defined in px500.h. Use of this command is exemplified in pxgain and pxcontrol.
PX_IOCAUTOGAIN (third argument needed)
This command enables or disables the auto-gain feature of the device. The third argument of ioctl is a pointer to an integer item. If the item is positive, auto-gain is enabled; if the item is zero or negative auto-gain is disabled. When auto-gain is active, the user-specified gain won't be effective and the driver will adapt the image gain on the fly to achieve maximum image range. Sample applications using this command are pxgain and pxcontrol.
PX_IOCSMUX (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGMUX (third argument needed)
These commands set and retrieve the current value of the input multiplexer. By default the device grabs from input 0; IOCSMUX can be used to switch the multiplexer to either of the four input channels (numbered from 0 to 3). The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to unsigned long. IOCSMUX returns -EINVAL if the value specified is out of range; IOCGMUX always succeeds. When switching video input, the behavior of the grabber is controlled by PX_FLAG_NONSYNC. See Device Flags.
PX_IOCSOFF (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGOFF (third argument needed)
These commands are used to get and set the offset value for video input. Offset adjustment is usually paired with gain adjustment. The third argument of ioctl is a pointer to int. See the ImageNation manual for details about theoffset.
PX_IOCSFLAGS (third argument needed) (unsigned long * argument)
PX_IOCGFLAGS (third argument needed) (unsigned long * argument)
These commands are used to retrieve and modify the flags associated to the PX500 device. The third argument of ioctl is a pointer to unsigned long. While IOCGFLAGS returns all of the flags to user space, IOCSFLAGS modifies only the bits in PX_FLAG_USERMASK and doesn't touch other bits. The flags are described in Device Flags.
Support for user control of the PX500 compare value is not implemented (even though the feature is used to implement auto-gain).
PX_IOCSSIZE (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGSIZE (third argument needed)
These commands are used to retrieve and change the current image size and other acquisition parameters. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to Px_Parameters. The role of this structure is detailed in Special Cameras. Since IOCSSIZE is potentially dangerous, its use is restricted to the super-user.
PX_IOCSTRIGGER (third argument needed)
PX_IOCGTRIGGER (third argument needed)
These commands are used to configure trigger operation and retrieve the current trigger setup. The third argument of ioctl is a pointer to unsigned long. The argument being exchanged with kernel space is a bit field and is described in Triggers.
PX_IOCWTRIGGER (no third argument needed)
Wait for a triggered acquisition. When a process issues this command it will be stopped until a frame or field (according to current configuration) is acquired to the DMA buffer. Note that read() won't block waiting for a triggered acquisition (it will just return the last acquired image), if you want to block you must use this ioctl command. The command returns 0 for success and -1 (with errno set to EINTR) if the command is interrupted by a signal.
PX_IOCSTROBEENA (third argument needed)
Enable or disable the strobe outputs (which, by default, are configured as inputs). The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to int. If the value pointed to is positive, then strobes are enabled, if it is zero or negative strobes are disabled. Strobe management is implemented by macros that use PX_IOCCMD and is documented in Strobes.

PX_IOCTRIGSTROBE (third argument needed)

The command tells the driver whether the trigger input should fire the strobe sequence or not. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to int. If that integer value is positive, the feature is enabled; if it is zero or negative the feature is disabled.

PX_IOCDRIVEENA (third argument needed)
Enable or disable the output synchronization signals. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to unsigned long. The pointed-to value is a bit mask, made up of the following bits. PX_BIT_DRIVE_ENA enable the output pins (1) or disable them (0). PX_BIT_DRIVE_HNEG if set makes the output H-sync a normally-high signal with negative-going pulses; if set the signal is normally-low with high pulses. PX_BIT_DRIVE_VNEG is the same for the V-sync signal. The command can be tested using the pxcontrol sample tool but the bitmask must be specified in numeric form. See pxcontrol. The command fails with -EINVAL if any invalid bit is set in the argument value.
PX_IOCPALQZ (third argument needed)
Enable or disable use of the PAL quarts. The PAL family of European video formats requires sampling pixels at an higher frequency in order to get square-pixel images. While US standard require 640 pixels per line, European standards requi 768 pixels per line. If you use a normal (interlaced) camera you won't need to run this command (the right quarts is automatically selected). If you run US progressive-scan cameras you may need to disable the higher-frequency quartz. The third argument to ioctl is a pointer to int. If the pointed-to value is positive than the PAL quartz is selected; if it is zero or negative the standard (slower) quartz is selected.

Node:Mmap, Next:, Previous:Ioctl, Up:Top


Memory mapping is implemented on any device node. If you mmap() the control entry point, you will map the current DMA memory, either low resolution, high resolution or no DMA at all (if no DMA is active, mapping the control device will return the last-acquired image). Memory-mapping other devices assures that DMA is being run at low resolution (/dev/px0 or /dev/px0pgm) or high resolution (/dev/px0H or /dev/px0Hpgm).

You can test a simple mmap() client by running the mapper program distributed with the driver. See mapper.

Node:Triggers, Next:, Previous:Mmap, Up:Top


The PX500 device is able to perform triggered acquisition. The feature is controlled by means of the PX_IOCSTRIGGER ioctl command (and the current setup can be retrieved by issuing PX_IOCGTRIGGER. See Ioctl.

The argument passed to (and received from) the ioctl commands is a bit mask made up of the following bits:

If the bit is set, trigger-driven grabbing is active. If clear the trigger input is disabled.
If set, use negative-level (or falling edge) triggers. If unset, positive level (or raising edge).
If the bit is set, the trigger is edge-sensitive, if the bit is clear the trigger is level-sensitive.
If the bit is set, debouncing is enabled on the trigger input. Refer to the ImageNation manuals for details.
This bit is only valid in IOCGTRIGGER, and tells the application if the frame grabber received a trigger after the last IOCSTRIGGER command. The bit is cleared every time IOCSTRIGGER is issued.

When the TRIGGER_ENABLE bit gets set, data transfer is stopped until a trigger arrives (if you read the device, you'll find the last grabbed image). When a trigger is received, the driver will acquire a single image (one frame or one field, according to the current setup) and will wait for one further trigger. Clearing TRIGGER_ENABLE turns back the system to continuous grabbing.

To wait for a triggered acquisition use PX_IOCWTRIGGER described in Ioctl.

If you want to check whether a trigger has already been managed, you can check the TRIGGER_OCCURRED bit. The bit is set after a triggered acquisition is over (i.e., when the bit is set you are assured that the in-memory image is current). The bit is automatically cleared if you choose to wait for the trigger (using IOCWTRIGGER) instead of polling (using IOCGTRIGGER). As outlined above, the bit is cleared when read, so that waiting for another trigger doesn't require any further action.

Node:Strobes, Next:, Previous:Triggers, Up:Top


The PX510/610 devices have two digital I/O lines, called strobes. The lines can be acted upon using microcontroller commands, so no special ioctl command is implemented for them. However, in order to save the programmer from boring hacking with hex values, the px500.h header defines the following functions to play with the strobes. Refer to the ImageNation manuals for details on the provided mechanisms.

The return value is always zero or a positive number for success, and -1 in case of error (with errno set to a proper value). This comes straight from the underlying ioctl system call.

Px_EnableStrobes(int fd, int output);
The output argument must be 1 to enable the strobe lines and 0 to disable them. The macro uses IOCSTROBEENA.
Px_InitStrobes(int fd);
Restore strobes to their default power-on values.
Px_Fire_Strobe(int fd, int which);
The macro fires or stops the strobe sequence, according to the which argument. The argument must be 0 to stop a strobe sequence, and to 1, 2, or 3 to fire the first strobe, the gap, or the second strobe. For clarity, the following symbolic names can be used as well: PX_FIRE_STROBE_STOP, PX_FIRE_STROBE_1, PX_FIRE_STROBE_GAP, PX_FIRE_STROBE_2. The result of the macro is undefined if invalid values of which are passed.
Px_TimeStrobe(int fd, int which, int val);
The macro sets the duration of strobe 1, gap or strobe2, according to whether which is 1, 2, 3. The duration is expressed in multiples of the duration of one horizontal line. Like above, the following Once again, the following symbolic names can be used instead: PX_FIRE_STROBE_1, PX_FIRE_STROBE_GAP, PX_FIRE_STROBE_2. The result of the macro is undefined for invalid values of which. The val argument (the duration) must fit 16 bits so it must be in the range 0-65535.
Px_TimeStrobes(int fd, int t1, int t2, int t3);
The macro sets all three durations.
Px_StrobePolarity(int fd, int which, int negative);
The macro sets the polarity of one of the strobes: if negative is non-zero, the polarity will be inverted from the default. The which argument should be 1 (strobe 1) or greater (strobe 2). The values PX_FIRE_STROBE_1 and PX_FIRE_STROBE_2 can be used. This macro individually controls the polarity of the two output lines.
int Px_GetStrobes(int fd);
The macro returns the contents of the status port into *resultptr. The status ports includes the bits PX_BIT_STROBE_1, PX_BIT_STROBE_2 and PX_BIT_STROBING. The first two bits report the current voltage level at the strobe pins (which, thus can be used as input pins as well, provided strobing output is disabled). The PX_BIT_STROBING value tells whether or not a strobing sequence is active; since both bits are inactive during the gap period, the bit is needed to tell the gap period from the no-strobe-active case.

Node:Device Flags, Next:, Previous:Strobes, Up:Top

Device Flags

The device structure includes a 32-bit field of flags, which can be retrieved from user space either as an unsigned long value or within the whole device" structure (using IOCGDEV). Only flags intended for user consumption are described here. Some of them are read-only for user-space programs.

Informative flags:

This is is an AND mask to extract the device number from the flags field. In other words, "flags & PX_FLAG_DEVICENAME" is either 500, 510 or 610 according to the device type.
This bit is set in the flags field if the current device is either a PX510 or a PX610 device (and is not net if this is an older PX500 device). Use it to check whether some capabilities are available.
The bit is only set if this is a PX610 (i.e., it supports progressive scan cameras).
The bit is set if this device is a PC104+ device. It is clear if this is a PCI device.
The bit, if setm reports that this device is equipped with on-board cache RAM.

Read/write flags, that can be modified via IOCSFLAGS:

The bit can be set to enable automatic gain control. It is clear by default.
The bit, if set, tells that the device must not be reconfigured with default values on the first open, so that configuration persists from a close to the next open. Setting this bit might be useful during development of new features but you should think twice if you think this is needed in your application. Remember that despite persistent configuration, the DMA buffer is released anyway on the last close. If an application program needs to preserve configuration across close it should better open an idle file descriptor on the device (see pxlive for an example).
The bit specifies that cameras are not synchronized. It is only used when you switch the input multiplexer. If the bit is set, any read() system call will sleep for the duration of two image frames after the digitazer is switched to another camera. This delay allows the grabber to re-sync with the new video stream. The bit is off by default thus assuming that cameras are synchronized (in which case, no extra delay is added by the driver after the input MUX is switched).

Node:Special Cameras, Next:, Previous:Device Flags, Up:Top

Progressive-Scan and Special Cameras

Pxdrv supports progressive-scan cameras and special cameras by means of its struct Px_Parameters structure and PX_IOCSSIZE ioctl command.

The structure is defined in px500.h:

typedef struct Px_Parameters {
__u16 xsize, ysize;
__u16 firstline, lastline;
__u16 firstcol, lastcol;
__u16 dmahole, decimate;
__u16 fieldlen, blanklen;
__u16 flags;
} Px_Parameters;

The role of the various fields is as follows:

__u16 xsize, ysize;
The size of the image. This is the information used to create the PGM header for the PGM special files. Please note that when the parameters are changed via IOCSSIZE the dimension of the image is changed from the default.
__u16 firstline, lastline;
The first and last line of digitized video. The first line is normally 0 and the last line equals full-frame height (i.e., 480 or 576). Setting the values differently allows cropping the image in the Y direction. Please note that the ysize parameter above must be consistent with firstline and lastline.
__u16 firstcol, lastcol;
The first and last column of digitized video. The first column is normally 0 and the last column equals full-frame width (i.e., 640 or 768). Setting the values differently allows cropping the image in the X direction. Please note that the xsize parameter above must be consistent with firstcol and lastcol.
__u16 dmahole;
dmahole is the amount (in bytes) of space to leave blank between successive video lines in the same field. When acquiring single fields it is usually 0, when acquiring whole frames it is the same as the line length. Note that when acquiring whole frames with progressive-scan cameras the dmahole must be set to zero.
__u16 decimate;
Horizontal and vertical decimation. Use 0 for whole-frame and 1 for single-field acquisition. Note that while decimation can be set to values greater than 1, the feature is untested.
__u16 fieldlen, blanklen;
Length, in multiples of the video line, of the field and of the leading blank lines after the vsync signal. Either value can be set to zero in order to use default values.
__u16 flags;
Flags that modify acquisition parameters.

Currently, the following flags are supported:

The flag enable s progressive-scan support if the current grabber is a PX610 (other models can't deal with progressive scan). With progressive-scan cameras you'll need to specify the field length (by setting fieldlen in the structure.
The flag enables use of the trigger input as a substitute for vertical sync. If the Wen feature is enabled, you'll also need to configure the trigger for proper operation.

Note that the driver automatically configures the frame grabber for PAL operation whenever the field length is greater than the default NTSC length. Therefore, when using a progressive-scan camera you may need to explicitly choose the pixel clock to use. To this aim, use the PX_IOCPALQZ ioctl command. See Ioctl.

Node:An Example Using WEN, Previous:Special Cameras, Up:Special Cameras

An Example Using WEN

As an example, this is how I acquire images using a Jai CV-M10 progressive-scan camera:

If you use pxlive and pxcontrol to change parameters, you can try this sequence:

$ ./pxlive /dev/px0Hpgm &
$ ./pxcontrol setparams 0 640 480 3 25 480
$ ./pxcontrol  settrigger 10 palqz 0

To get details on setparams, pxcontrol.

Node:Bugs, Next:, Previous:Special Cameras, Up:Top

Bugs and Missing Features

The driver still misses any time-related operation (like single-frame acquisition).

The driver didn't undergo serious auditing and testing.

Node:Sample Programs, Next:, Previous:Bugs, Up:Top

Sample Programs

All the sample application parse the command line in the same way. The device name can be either the first or last command line argument. The device name is identified by being a full pathname (i.e., it has a leading "/"). If none is specified on the commandline, the PXDEVICE environment variable is used to retrieve a default device entry point; if the variable is unset, the default is using device 0 (the actual default entry point is either the control node or the low-resolution PGM node. See General Information.

Node:pxtest, Next:, Previous:Sample Programs, Up:Sample Programs


The pxtest program prints information about the frame grabber associated to the device special file it opens. It uses the control entry point by default in order not to allocate a DMA buffer.

This is an example of a pxtest run on the host called borea, as of version 0.20 of the device driver:

borea% ./pxtest
./pxtest: using device /dev/px0ctl
Device name: PX610, interface bus: PC104+
Hardware information:
hardware revision: 0x34
protection key: 0x55
has cache ram: no
PIC revision date: 4/21/97
Software information:
dma buffer: 0x03e00000 (size 0x0006c000), remapped at 0xc403c000
registers at 0xefffe000, remapped at 0xc403a000
image size (640x500): 320000
usage 3, isup 5
irq 11, currently 11
Status information:
status: 0x37
status2: 0x09
port X: 0x00
port Y: 0x4c
port Z: 0x01
has video: y
video type: pal

Node:pxshow, Next:, Previous:pxtest, Up:Sample Programs


The program displays the flow of images from the device by printing it to the text screen. I use mostly text mode, so I like this tool. It reads /dev/px0 by default and it assumes the device is 320x240 pixels (i.e., an NTSC camera). It adapts the output to the actual screen size (whether it is an xterm or a text console).

Node:pxlive, Next:, Previous:pxshow, Up:Sample Programs


The program makes live video on an X window. This tool is quite slow as it doesn't directly access X data structures; it's not like a real live video, just a simple demonstration.

If the pacco tool is available, pxlive uses it to gain better speed and better resolution. If pacco is not available, the tool runs using the photo widget of Tk, which is much slower. Pacco is available from <> and <>. Like other sample programs, this accepts a device name on the commandline or as an environment variable. The program must access a pgm entry point (either low or high resolution).

The More... button of the program opens an additional window that lets you play with some of the configurable parameters of the grabber. Operation with the More... window is especially slow since it executes an external command (pxcontrol) for each configuration change. Again, my aim is not speed but something easy to show things out.

Node:pxstereo, Next:, Previous:pxlive, Up:Sample Programs


The program is a slightly modified pxlive that uses two cameras (/dev/px0 and /dev/px1). Thanks to Rob Steele for contributing this: although he didn't consider it ready for prime time (as it lacks some details as well as Pacco support), I think it is interesting. I planned to reintegrate it back to the normal pxlive but maybe it will never happen for real.

Node:pxgain, Next:, Previous:pxstereo, Up:Sample Programs


The program shows or sets the gain for the frame grabber. Remember that the gain is reset to "1 0" on first open, so you need to keep the device open while changing the gain. You can run pxgain while running pxshow or pxlive to see real-time changes (but note that pxlive in its configuration window allows playing with the gina.

The auto option to pxgain enables auto-gain. An optional argument in addition to auto tells the maximum amount of gain change from one frame to the next. Default is 5; 0 disables autogain.

pxgain auto 10           auto-gain, maxstep is 10
pxgain auto              default step
pxgain auto 0            disables auto-gain

Node:pxlut, Next:, Previous:pxgain, Up:Sample Programs


The pxlut program allows reading and writing the gray level look-up table of the device. Call it without arguments to get help.

Node:pxcontrol, Next:, Previous:pxlut, Up:Sample Programs


The program is a general-purpose wrapper for ioctl(). Call it with no arguments to have a list of allowed command line options. You can specify several commands at the same time on the command line, one after another.

All commands accepted by the program get numeric arguments. The meaning of the arguments should be clear by itself or needs checking the px500.h header (for example, to pass a bitmask to the program you'll need to look up the value of individual bits; this applies for instance to the setrigger command.

The only command that needs a special description is setparams. The command is meant as an helper to invoke the IOCSSIZE ioctl command. The data structure used in ioctl is described in Special Cameras, and the setparams command takes 6 numeric arguments:

Use of setparams is exempified in An Example Using WEN.

Node:mapper, Previous:pxcontrol, Up:Sample Programs


The mapper is general-purpose memory-map frontend. It receives arguments on the command line: the device to map, the initial offset and the size of the memory map. Mapped data is printed to the standard output. The following example shows how to acquire a image from an NTSC camera via mmap():

./mapper /dev/px0  0 `exptr 320 \* 240` | rawtopgm 320 240 > img.pgm

Node:Library Functions, Next:, Previous:Sample Programs, Up:Top

Library Functions

To use the library you should include px500.h and link with -lpxdrv (which is installed in /usr/local/lib). The library is made up of functions, preprocessor macros and external commodity variables (the variables are instrumental to the workings of some of the macros. They are not documented here as such.

Please note that direct use of ioctl is still the preferred way to interact with the device; some of the library functions I offer haven't been tested.

The fd argument of all the functions is a file descriptor that must refer to a frame grabber device. If you use thee standard I/O library (fopen() and file pointers), you can extract the descriptor from a FILE pointere by calling fileno(). The return argument of the library functions, unless otherwise described, is 0 or positive in case of success and a negative value in case of failure, with errno set to describe the type of error.

The following functions are implemented, most as simple wrappers around ioctl():

int Px_Command(int fd, int command, int value);
The function invokes a low-level command in the frame grabber. If the command is read-only, "value" is unused and the read value is returned as a non-negativa value. If the command is write-only, the return value is 0 for success. Note that some of the commands can only be invoked by the superuser. See Ioctl.
int Px_SetReg(int fd, unsigned long register, unsigned long val);
int Px_GetReg(int fd, unsigned long register);
Write and read a 32-bit register. The "set" command can only be issued by the superuser. The functions return -1 in case of error and 0 or the value of the register in case of success. Note that register values with the high bit set will be returned as negative numbers. Use ioctl(PX_IOCGETREG) to avoid ambiguity. As a matter of facts, reading and writing registers should not be needed during grabber operation.
int Px_Setport(int fd, unsigned long port, unsigned long val);
int Px_GetPort(int fd, unsigned long port);
These are teh eequivalent of set/get register, but they act on ports instead.
int Px_GetDev(int fd, Px_Dev *ptr);
The function copies to user space the device data structure.
int Px_Reset(int fd);
Resets the device.
int Px_ProtKey(int fd);
Returns the protection key associated to the device. Refer to ImageNation manuals for details.
int Px_Revision(int fd);
int Px_ReleaseYear(int fd);
int Px_ReleaseMonth(int fd);
int Px_ReleaseDay(int fd);
These functions return information about the physical device. The first returns the hardware revision number, the other return the PIC revision date (only for new devices, the PX500 return 0xff for the date queries). The information, which might reveal useful when reporting bugs, is displayed by the program pxtest using these macros.
int Px_Status(int fd);
int Px_Status2(int fd);
int Px_PortX(int fd);
int Px_PortY(int fd);
int Px_PortZ(int fd);
The functions return information about the software status of the device. They are not expected to be useful but in debugging. The pxtest sample program uses them to print the current value of the status ports.
int Px_HasRam(int fd);
Returns 0 or 1 (or -1 in case of error), according to whether the device has cache RAM memory installed.
int Px_HaveVideo(int fd);
The function returns 0 or 1 (modulo errors) according to whether a video signal is present on the grabber's input.
int Px_VideoType(int fd);
int Px_PalVideo(int fd);
int Px_NtscVideo(int fd);
Check the current video mode. The first function returns either PX_NTSC_VIDEO or PX_PAL_VIDEO (or -1 if an error occcurs), while the other two are booleean (an error is reported as 0). Note that the video mode is not a meaningful information unless Px_HaveVideo() returns true.
int Px_SetGain(int fd, Px_Gain *ptr);
int Px_GetGain(int fd, Px_Gain *ptr);
The functions transfer to/from kernel space a description of the internal amplifier of the grabber. The gain is described by a "gross" field (0-3) and a "fine" field (0-255). Both are expressed as fields of struct Px_Gain.
int Px_AutoGain(int fd, int value);
Enables/disables the autogain feature. If the value is 0 autogain is disabled. If it is non-zero, it represents the speed of gain change; suggested values are in the range 1-10, as too big values may result in oscillation.
int Px_SetLut(int fd, Px_Lut *ptr);
int Px_GetLut(int fd, Px_Lut *ptr);
The functions transfer to/from kernel space a copy of the look-up table used by the grabber's digitizer. The LUT is described by a struct Px_Lut data structure, and use of the two functions is exemplified by the pxlut sample program.
int Px_GetParameters(int fd, Px_Parameters *ptr);
int Px_SetParamaters(int fd, Px_Parameters *ptr);
The functions read/write the current acquisition parameters. Since the structure includes a few low-level parameters, the suggested way to set them is a read/modify/write sequence. The actual paramters are described in Special Cameras.

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